How Much Nicotine is in Your Vape?
When beginning to use vapes and e-cigs over combustible smoking products, you may be looking to cut your nicotine intake or eliminate it completely. Or perhaps, you are looking to keep the same content, either way- V2 has an option for you. With V2 products, you can choose the nicotine strength, or even have none at all. Just like with your possible flavor combinations, you can customize your vape experience even further by choosing the right amount of nicotine for you. It is important to take into account your current smoking habits when selecting a strength. A social or occasional smoker will likely be happier with a lower strength, while a heavy smoker may want to try a liquid with a higher content. You can also consider the type of cigarette you were smoking when considering a percentage choice. What works for someone else, may not be right for you. Since everyone is different, it is best to start low and work your way up if unfamiliar with the products. At your first order, you should try two different strengths and see which feels better; begin with a starter kit and try different types until you find the right one for you. There are many options to select to get the optimal amount for your tastes. Wondering about how the nicotine content is measured? The nicotine is measured in milligrams per milliliter and is often expressed as a percentage. This means that 1.2% nicotine e-liquid contains 12 milligrams of nicotine per milliliter. The higher the percentage, the higher the nicotine content. Typically, anything below 1.8% is considered a lower nicotine level and should be a good fit for the occasional smoker. A heavy smoker may want to start with 1.8% or even 2.4%. V2 e-liquid and flavor cartridges are available in five unique nicotine strengths: 2.4%, 1.8%, 1.2%, 0.6% and zero nicotine. As always, make sure you store and care for your vape products and accessories following manufacturers guidelines. If you have any questions about nicotine content, please comment below. For more details, you can check out this catalog.