Vaping from the BBC - Trust me I'm a Doctor
People know that cigarettes are associated with lung and heart disease, but does the e-cigs have the same effect? So BBC made a test on selected smokers, some of which smoke cigarettes and the remainder of which smoke e-cigs. The resulting test is that E-cigs is less harmful than cigs. In fact, e-cigs are revolutionary products which can change the cig’s industry. But they also have negative effects on people as many young people get addictive to e-cigs, which brings harmful effect to their life and body. So some governments impose stricter measures to ban e-cigs to prevent their kids from smoking e-cigs. In my view, if you are a smoker, e-cig is a big boon for you and you can use it to quit smoking. If you are a non-smoker, it is recommended that you cannot try to use it as risks lurking in the e-cigs have not found. Read the full article at: