Avoiding bureaucratic destruction of the US vaping market – proposals for a new approach by FDA
Can the impending near-complete destruction of the U.S. vaping market be averted?  A group of public health experts believes it can – though time is running out. Led by Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller (@AGIowa) they have written to the new Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr Scott Gottlieb (@SGottliebFDA) with proposals and supporting material. The focus is on what can be done by the FDA itself, without Congress amending the Tobacco Control Act. We believe that FDA’s approach should be based on sound, principled foundations: Regulation should be proportionateRecognize potential benefits as well as risks and be wary of unintended consequences.  Promote innovationSupport informed choice through truthful communication of riskProtection of young people Read the full article at: www.clivebates.com